Dallas, Tex. ) came to my shop to purchase a Bonsai. After picking out a pot
she chose a zelkova tree & I fixed it up real nice. "You know where this tree is
going don't you?" I said no,I don't. She said I'm giving this to Bush. I said the
only Bush I know of is ex-president Bush. That's right I'm giving this to George
& Laura to commemorate the birth of their granddaughter.
I was stunned an ex-president & his wife were getting one of my trees !!
I didn't even get a picture of it. On top of that she also picked out one of
my maples for her business, now when you enter her Bistro the first thing you
see is my (whoops HER) tree!!!!
The Rise is a four star restaurant with a laid back atmosphere where all the in
people go for brunch it opens at 11:00 a.m. Their souffles are to die for!!!! My
wife & I went to deliver the maple & we stayed to eat . It was so Delicious!!!
A couple weeks later we took my daughter Linda to celebrate her birthday
My wife & daughter
My daughter & me and our souffles I'm going to work my
way thru their list of souffles
I'm behind on my trimming,shaping, & styling on my
Japanese maples.
That's just on my Japanese maples not to mention
my Trident maples
This is my Brazilian Rain tree I've been cutting on it
These are cuttings I've made so far from the
Brazilian rain tree
This is Eric who came by to visit
This is yours truly, Eric said if I have to take a
picture you do too !!
That's all for now WAX ON ........WAX OFF