back yard & one from the wild.
This one is on the fence line in my back yard
I dug & cut some of the roots up
Then I covered the shrub back up
Then two weeks later I cut the top off & cut off some more roots
Then I waited a week & dug it up
After trimming & some more root pruning
It was potted up & here's where it will have a chance to recover.
Next year I will make some preliminary cuts & see what develops.
This is another honey suckle collected from the wild
I did not have my camera with me so I can't show where it came
It was dug up from a near by creek bed
The roots the top were trimmed
Then it was potted up it has a very nice trunk
and good nebari.
That's all for now .... I'll post some more on upcoming digs.
Wax on......................Wax off
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