for Nov. It's been a whirlwind month
for me.What with the addition of a new granddaughter Kaylee Rene
born Nov.3rd.
My original side kick 18 month old
Isabella wasn't too sure about the new comer.
Is she just visiting?How long is
she gonna stay and when is she leaving?
Aw,man can we send her back!
Nope, sister has to stay with you
and your MaMa!
Next thing I know--I'm behind
on getting ready for winter!
Didn't this happen last year?
Taking down the shade cloth.
Putting the deciduous trees
down on the ground.
Moving all the tropicals into
the greenhouse.
Winterizing the greenhouse.
BONSAI BITCHES who helped me
through out the year.
(They know who they are)
You have my heart felt
appreciation and again thank you for
all you have done. I couldn't have done it with out you!!!!
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