at a regional competition & last Saturday he was in a local tournament .I told him if he did
good I would post him on my blog, so I'm keeping my promise.
The start of the tournament
Ben's first match & that's Rita , Ben's mom
taking pictures.
These kids aren't afraid of any thing, there
mixing it up pretty good!
Here's Ben winner of two medals!
Way to go Ben!! We are proud of you!!
Here's two of Ben's loyal rooters his
cousin Kira & my wife Mary.
Now for some bonsai -unfortunately I haven't remembered to bring my
camera outside with me. So these are the after pictures.
This elm has been
pruned & wired
into a weeping
This is the first
styling for this
elm. The bottom
branch is a sacrifice
branch left to thicken
the trunk.
plastic net pot
that lets the air
in to control the
root system.
Again the bottom
branches are left
to thicken the trunk.
this old Boxwood
will be used for a
Phoenix graft to fill
out the two lower
will post on it's
progress later.
This is a collected
elm & after it had
been pruned and
cluttered and
messy. We will
have to see what
it looks like in
That's all for now.
Wax on ...................Wax off
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