We have been busy the last couple of months ,what with collecting trees and getting them potted up. Then we set up the shade cloth /set up the benches /empty out the greenhouse / now we are clipping & re potting like crazy.
I couldn't have done it with out the help of good friends like "Se"/ Jason / Mr. "B"/ and Jacob !!! Thanks guys I really appreciate it!!!

These maples were dug up from my raised bed along with nine others.....by Se & myself.
We set up kind of an assembly line /bare rooting /cutting the roots /& then potting them in containers.

These eleven trees were the result of our days effort..Thank you "Se"!

This is a pink rhododendron straight out of the green house.

This is an old gnarled boxwood. Estimated age about 35-to- 40 yrs.

A 25 yr old ficus with a lot of aerial roots.

Mr."B" watches Jacob pruning a trident maple.

Mr."B" uses a power tool to hollow out a cut

Mr."B" knows how to prune a collected tree for future development.

Jacob & Mr."B" with a collected cedar elm.
Jacob shows us his pruning technique....thanks guys for all your help !!!
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