After being trapped in my collapsed cold frame I rescued them & they
were re potted.
After bare rooting this pomegranate & cutting the
tap root .
Styrofoam box. This was done Feb /20/2010.
Now about six & a half weeks later it has
put out new shoots & leafed out. Will keep you
posted on its progress & future development.
This Azalea went through some radical
root pruning and through some pretty heavy
top pruning at the same time.
It was potted up in my soil mix along with
some peat moss and watered with rain water.
It has flowered put out new shoots and
leaves but most importantly it has shown signs
of new roots!
Typically hybrid Azalea's tend to put out
blooms with two colors in this case white & red
and the occasional solid red bloom.
I will keep posting on its development.